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“NO ex-Port”
It’s the only international project in cooperation with Police and the Customs Authorities, seeking to prevent the possible theft of vehicles belonging to the fleet of Rental and Leasing companies.
Additional information will be issued only to Entities (public or private) that were directly concerned.

The GateKeeper project was implemented with the aim of fighting insurance’s frauds in the “automotive” sector, checking the transit of a vehicle – declared as withdrawn by the insured – for certain “international” checkpoints, by creating the only database currently existing in this way.
It said prevention tool is intended for all those Insurance companies wishing to verify possible fraud to its damage before proceeding to compensation for theft of the vehicle from them insured.
Additional information will be issued only to Entities (public or private) that were directly concerned.

Exclusively intended for “super” Police Agencies (InterPol, Europol, Frontex, FBI, etc.), it is the only worldwide database of relevant legislation to all documents issued in over 170 countries